Saturday, June 24, 2006


well... today Argentina plays against Mexico... we've won 2 games and tied one......... VAMOS ARGENTINA!!!! So today at 4 (3 y'alls time) the whole world will stop... every one will be standing or sitting in front of a Television watching the game...... it's unbelievable how dead this town becomes when Argentina plays.

"......... jugá para todos los que no llegamos" :)

"Futbol" has been quiet the topic here in Argentina... Ian has even started to play on a Futbol team. He's really really enjoyed it. Last Saturday they had a Championship... and in the last game of 5 total... HE MADE A GOOOOOOOOOOOOAL! You should have seen his face!! His best friend, Joaquin, the goaly, came all the way from the Goal and gave him a huge hug...and one of the other little guys had been coaching Ian on the field with the biggest smile ever wraped his arms around Ian's neck.... as the whole team celebrated the goal... of "el alto, flaco, Ian". It was one my favorite highlights of all the soccer games I've seen in this past month! The only thing that was missing was our camera!

- Cheering for Argentina-

1 comment:

Eowyn's Heir said...

Hey-- I'm using my blogspot site now. =D We can be blogger buddies! Love you! Call me!