Sunday, August 30, 2009

365 day project

There seems to be a fad of "365 day projects" among photographers. I've decided to join in. I'm going to ATTEMPT a 365 day Jillian project! Yes. I'm going to document at least 1 picture of every day of Jillian's first year of life. I figure it SHOULD be easy... since she's SO CUTE and easy to take pictures of! I don't promise them to be all artistic, but there will be at least 1 a day. SO... here it goes for her first 11 days of life. These first 11 aren't exactly a day by day photo, but the future ones will be. I hope you enjoy our journey.

Day 11

Day 10
with Nona and PaPa

Day 9
Three Generations (Foust-Donell-Molina)

Day 8
This is Jillian when she gets REALLY mad.

Day 7
sleeping soundly in my crib

Day 6
swaddled... her favorite way to sleep (as long as she has her hands out.)

Day 5
Nona and Jillian

Day 4
home coming
photographer: Don Donell

Day 3
Daddy and Jillian

Day 2
peeking in
Photographer: Don Donell

Day 1 Is on my last post.


Ashley Sarratt said...

You look beautiful, Amy, and this is a great idea! Jillian is adorable, like I knew she would be! Congrats!

Kristin Cunningham said...

All are beautiful! I love your family picture. What a great idea. Maybe I'll try it with my next baby, whenever that might be. Love you girl!